What is Quality Assurance in Project Management?

Quality Assurance assures the quality of the product meaning that this process ensures that the product generated from the process is defect-free and conforms to all stated customer requirements. It is said to be a process-based approach whose primary objective is to prevent defects in deliverables at the planning stage to avoid rework, which increases process costs.

Quality Assurance can also be viewed upon as a proactive process and it places importance on planning, documentation, and guidelines finalization that will be needed to assure the quality. This process begins at the very start of the project to compare the product’s requirements and expectations. Once all requirements and expectations are recognized, a plan is developed to meet these requirements and expectations.

The Difference between Quality Assurance and Quality Control:

  • Quality Assurance stresses on defect prevention and Quality Control focuses on defect identification.
  • In quality Assurance, one checks if the plan was efficient enough to avoid any forecasted defect. In Quality Control, one attempts to find defects and correct them while creating the product.
  • Quality Assurance is a proactive process whereas Quality control is a reactive process.
  • Quality Assurance is a process-based approach whereas Quality Control is a product-based approach.
  • Quality Assurance includes processes managing quality, and Quality Control is utilized to validate the product quality.
  • Quality Audit is an example of Quality Assurance. Inspection and testing are great examples of the Quality Control process.

The Benefits of Quality Assurance and Quality Control

The following are a few benefits of these processes:

  • High-quality output
  • Eliminate waste or in the very least minimize waste
  • Increase the efficiency of operations by a large factor
  • Offer customer satisfaction, which positively affects your brand and helps individuals and organizations grow their business
  • Less rework and after-sale support is needed. This will aid one save a lot of money
  • Promote high levels of confidence and a motivated team
  • Quality Assurance and Quality Control are closely interlinked and their objective is also the same, which is to deliver a defect-free product.
  • Both processes are key components of a quality management plan and augment each other. Failing to implement either of them will lead to failure of quality management in the project.
  • Quality Assurance is one of the prime features in the Project Management space and one of the most rapidly transforming areas in software creation.

·         Quality Assurance Activities: Planning, Auditing, and Analysing Project Quality

  • Quality Assurance activities are those tasks the quality team executes to view the quality requirements, audit the results of control measurements, and analyze quality performance in order to make sure that right quality standards and procedures are appropriately applied within the project.

BY: Serena Josh

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