November: World Quality Month

Why November?

There is no clear reason for choosing November as Quality Month. Some think it was the month selected by the Japanese in the 1960-70 period.

The American Society for Quality (ASQ) celebrates World Quality Month (WQM) during the month of November.

The Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) used to celebrate World Quality Day on the second Thursday in November. However, this year the CQI is celebrating World Quality Week from November 8-12, 2021.

In 2010, ASQ introduced the World Quality Month website and has had the pleasure of hosting the platform, offering individuals and organizations around the world an opportunity to celebrate successes and share results. World Quality Month is also about understanding the impact that quality has on the world, during working hours, in the community and at home.

The main goal of World Quality Month is to «raise awareness of the field of quality, continuous improvement and performance excellence, as well as quality professionals around the world.» As quality professionals, you know the difference quality tools and methodology make in improving processes, decreasing defects and increasing revenue. It is important to spread the word about this beyond the quality profession.

One way to raise awareness of quality is to celebrate successes. Yes, World Quality Month could be a big party. But that’s just one piece of the celebration pie.

By raising awareness of quality and celebrating successes, organizations provide evidence of the importance of quality methods and tools, the broad applications of the tools, and the impact quality has on the business and on people. ASQ hopes you will celebrate World Quality Month with your colleagues and share with your organization and the quality community the great work being done. To that end, ASQ has created several tools that you can start using now (see sidebar for details).

World Quality Month is also about sharing stories. Stories can be about small steps taken to improve a team’s process or they can identify big savings through a year-long initiative.  Sharing any of these stories promotes excellence through quality. Along with ideas for celebrating successes, ASQ offers ideas for sharing stories. The ASQ website has many case studies and articles in which colleagues in the quality community detail improvement programs, Lean initiatives and Six Sigma projects.

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