Diferenciando la Prioridad y la Severidad de un Defecto

Aunque sean dos atributos distintos, mucha gente se confunde entre la severidad y la prioridad de un defecto. Uno puede llegar a preguntarse, ¿Qué es más importante, un defecto con prioridad alta o severidad alta? Antes de responder la pregunta, veamos que nos dice la teoría sobre cada uno de estos atributos.   La prioridad […]
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What is Quality Assurance in Project Management?

Quality Assurance assures the quality of the product meaning that this process ensures that the product generated from the process is defect-free and conforms to all stated customer requirements. It is said to be a process-based approach whose primary objective is to prevent defects in deliverables at the planning stage to avoid rework, which increases […]
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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