
Como ser un buen Tester Automation

Ser un buen tester automation implica tener habilidades técnicas, conocimientos de automatización de pruebas, así como habilidades interpersonales y de comunicación efectiva, te presento algunos consejos para ser un buen tester automation: Aprender habilidades técnicas: Es importante tener conocimientos sólidos en programación y herramientas de automatización de pruebas, así como tener habilidades en el uso […]
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Coming from: When Is a Test Case Ready for Test Automation  The next question is, how can we assess when and how often something is going to break? This is a tough question to answer and it heavily depends on your specific situation. Luckily, smart people have done some work for us already! For instance, […]
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What is API Testing and why should be using it?

API is an acronym for Application Programming Interface. In software application (app) development, API is the middle layer between the presentation (UI) and the database layer. APIs enable communication and data exchange from one software system to another. API testing is a software testing practice that tests the APIs directly — from their functionality, reliability, […]
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Diferenciando la Prioridad y la Severidad de un Defecto

Aunque sean dos atributos distintos, mucha gente se confunde entre la severidad y la prioridad de un defecto. Uno puede llegar a preguntarse, ¿Qué es más importante, un defecto con prioridad alta o severidad alta? Antes de responder la pregunta, veamos que nos dice la teoría sobre cada uno de estos atributos.   La prioridad […]
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How To Test An Application Without Requirements?

Technically there are no applications without requirements. Imagine software that does nothing specific but is simply line after line of code stretching on. It will be a staircase leading nowhere. All software has requirements and is targeted at a particular task; specifically, it is a solution to a problem. So requirement-less software isn’t a possibility. However, software […]
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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